Side Menu

RightBar page

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Configuration Pages

How to use Triad / Help

Various default site preferences, including access keys and component sizes:

  # Access keys
  'ak_edit'          => 'e',     # edit page
  'ak_history'       => 'h',     # page history
  'ak_recentchanges' => 'c',     # Recent Changes
  'ak_save'          => 's',     # save page
  'ak_saveedit'      => 'u',     # save and keep editing
  'ak_preview'       => 'p',     # preview page
  'ak_em'            => 'i',     # emphasized text (italic)
  'ak_strong'        => 'b',     # strong text (bold)

  # Editing components
  'Site.EditForm' => 'Site.Popup-EditForm',
  'e_rows' => '20',              # rows in edit textarea
  'e_cols' => '90',              # columns in edit textarea

This page is part of the Gemini, FixFlow and Triad skin's setup.Maintenance Category:Skin-AddOn RightBar


The Right Bar is just another wiki page inserted to the right of the main content. In FixFlow Skin? and Gemini Skin? the text will flow around it. In Triad Skin? it occupies the right column.

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