Feel free to use this page to experiment with the Text Formatting Rules. Just click the "Edit Page" link at the bottom of the page.
NB: To edit this page, you will need to enter a password. The details are:
- Username: <none>
- Password: wiki
Change Password
To securely change your password, edit this page and enter the following on a blank line in the section below, substituting 'username' and 'password' with the values that you actually want!
- username: (:encrypt password:)
Afterwards, let Micha know by E-Mail and he'll update your password in the system.
- mxxxxxxx: $1$Zuj.s8vj$4mOAdYq9fNatkTPbgZsSk1
- exxxxxxx: $1$IjXw995n$zzd/96kLRDzhHj5lIjKJt1
- wotantitan: $1$KtSacw5.$oD8vs/A0lcG23HiwxV1Yq0
- dummy: $1$Vhgr3n0i$bVoZVi5uWkjKdZDPX1FVq1