A new skin developed for pmwiki 2 by Hans Bracker softflow.co.uk/design


  • Three column layout with full-width header and footer.
  • Customisable page sections through wiki pages: header, footer, left sidebar, rightbar, topmenu, footmenu.
  • Page sections can be turned on and off with markup.
  • Right and left side bars can be hidden instantly with javascript, to make the content page wider.
  • Instant text sizing with java script.
  • One click switch to "Big View" to aid visually impaired users.
  • Integrated direct printing.
  • Option to switch styles for different color and font schemes, or to create a layout with fixed or resizable width, with or without outer border. Integrated color support for commentboxplus and forumstyled.
  • Popup preview in edit mode, no more downscrolling!

Version: triad 2017-06-17

This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:TriadSkin, and a talk page: PmWiki:TriadSkin-Talk.

This page is part of the Gemini, FixFlow and Triad skin's setup.Maintenance Category:Skin-AddOn RightBar


The Right Bar is just another wiki page inserted to the right of the main content. In FixFlow Skin? and Gemini Skin? the text will flow around it. In Triad Skin? it occupies the right column.

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